Wednesday, April 30, 2008


A mother and her young son were standing in a long line at the grocery check out. She had only a few things to purchase in one hand and her other hand held the small hand of her son.

As his patience was wearing out from the lengthy wait, and his young energy could no longer be controlled, he began pulling away from his mom’s hand.

She had to hold tighter to keep him from running away.

“Ouch, Mommy, you’re hurting me!” he whined.

“It only hurts when you pull away”, his wise mother responded.



“It only hurts when you pull away...” Sometimes I feel the aches and pains of not being in touch with God’s will in my life, when I’m not trusting, or I’m simply pulling away to get my own way. He never pulls away from us, he just simply holds out his hand and it is up to us to let ours rest in his as he guides us in His perfect will for our lives.

Letting him guide us sure hurts a lot less…after all, he knows what is best for us.

Ps. 37:7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The ultimate proof that there is absolute truth will not come through some clever philosophical argument. It will come from a personal encounter with the One who declared: "I am the Truth." unknown

Great faith

I have this friend, she is a single mom of two, and she just found out she was going to have to move out of the place she has been renting and it came as a complete shock to her. Long story short, the landlord found someone who is willing to pay more and since she did not sign a lease…

But, the real story is not what is happening, but how much heart and faith this girl has. When she told me about what was happening, she finished by saying. I'll not let this get me down...this too shall pass and something will work out for my benefit!! She did not hesitate to rely on her faith, in her knowing that God has a plan and his plan is better. I said to her, “I applaud your attitude”. I would hope I would be that confident, be that secure in my faith. She then reply by saying, You know I've always learned, whether through my own experiences or through those of others, that worry causes more woes and solves absolutely nothing! A positive attitude will take you so much farther. At least if you are thinking positive you have the mindset to get things done. If you sit back and worry your mind is clouded with that worry and there is no room for anything else. Besides, why ask God to take care of something if you can't or don't trust him to do so. If you continue to worry about it then it only proves that you don't think God is capable to handle it. And if He isn't capable then I surely am not!! It will work out and I'll be posting a new mailing address soon enough…”

AMAZING! Do I have some awesome friends or what?!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Ok, so Michael Johns got voted out...What???!!!!
New top 4
1. David Cook
2. Brooke White (She worries my though)
3. Carley Smithson
4. Jason Castro

I know a lot of people really like the other David guy and so did I in the beginning, but he is not one of my favorites, yes he can sing, but I want to hear him rock out to some range?!


I am: blessed

I think: to much
I know: God is good, even when it does not look like it or feel like it
I want: to leave a meaningful legacy

I have: a great life

I wish: I had more money and time to give

I hate: the fact that in America we have so much and yet so many do with out

I miss: being young
I fear: rising gas prices
I feel: great after seeing the results of eating right and exercising
I hear: music…itunes playing in the background
I smell: dinner cooking
I crave: rest

I search: for peace and joy
I wonder: why people make the choices they make
I regret: nothing, I have learned so many things from my mistakes…why have regret?

I love: my family and friends

I ache: from painting all weekend
I care: about people
I always: try to be honest
I am not: going to be a couch potato anymore
I believe: that miracles can and do happen
I dance: when no one is looking
I sing: all the time, to every song

I cry: more now and over everything
I don’t always: walk the walk as well as I can talk the talk
I fight: for what is right
I write: not often enough on my blog

I win: lots, I’m very competitive

I lose: my patience, but I’m working on it

I never: have been to another country
I confuse: boredom with hunger
I listen: to music all the time
I can usually be found: on my deck on the swing enjoying a nice afternoon
I am scared: I will not stick to my diet/exercise plan
I need: to pay off my car
I am happy about: seeing my aunt Judie and family in May

[ripped off from Laura}

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Idol Top 4

1 David Cook - Super talented!
2. Brooke White - talented and just a sweet personality
3. Michale Johns - Just love him
4. Carly Smithson - love her

Ok, so who's your Idol Picks?