Friday, April 18, 2008


I am: blessed

I think: to much
I know: God is good, even when it does not look like it or feel like it
I want: to leave a meaningful legacy

I have: a great life

I wish: I had more money and time to give

I hate: the fact that in America we have so much and yet so many do with out

I miss: being young
I fear: rising gas prices
I feel: great after seeing the results of eating right and exercising
I hear: music…itunes playing in the background
I smell: dinner cooking
I crave: rest

I search: for peace and joy
I wonder: why people make the choices they make
I regret: nothing, I have learned so many things from my mistakes…why have regret?

I love: my family and friends

I ache: from painting all weekend
I care: about people
I always: try to be honest
I am not: going to be a couch potato anymore
I believe: that miracles can and do happen
I dance: when no one is looking
I sing: all the time, to every song

I cry: more now and over everything
I don’t always: walk the walk as well as I can talk the talk
I fight: for what is right
I write: not often enough on my blog

I win: lots, I’m very competitive

I lose: my patience, but I’m working on it

I never: have been to another country
I confuse: boredom with hunger
I listen: to music all the time
I can usually be found: on my deck on the swing enjoying a nice afternoon
I am scared: I will not stick to my diet/exercise plan
I need: to pay off my car
I am happy about: seeing my aunt Judie and family in May

[ripped off from Laura}