Have you ever really thought about:
What impact you have on other people’s lives?
What difference have you really made?
What your Legacy will be when you leave this place?
"I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you” unknown
Oooooo, that's good. Who is measuring themselves by me? Is anyone? Do I live a life that people would want to watch and learn from? And if so, is that life one that is measured by the things of God? Do you ever wonder if God brings people into our lives because He thinks we are spiritually fit to care for, or minister to them in some way? That we are led into others lives for the same reason?
Just some thought that have been roaming through my mind…
Obviously you found some me time.......to be thinking that DEEP!
Actually...there is this "friend" of mine that kind of sparked this thought some time ago and I just got around to putting it into words. I'm still trying to figure out what our whole "meeting" was supposed to be about. Seriously though, do you think things that happen are just random? On some level I think the people that we connect with are or were destined to be a part of our lives for a reason, sometimes that reason is not always so clear and other times its very obvious and sometimes its not about them at all, its about us and even then we sometimes don't realize that until much later. Okay...getting a little deeper. This could have been a whole post on its own!
Shannon, I think your one of the luckly ones on earth. Most people dont give anything or anyone a second thought!! I dont believe things are just random. But I can see why most individuals think so. We will never have all the answers, but GOD says we all have gifts. For some of us our give may be a true friend.
Thanks Sheila! You know, I am pretty lucky, actually I'm just really blessed more than anything else.
A month ago to the date you wrote this, and it couldn’t be more fitting for the day after we as a nation voted for a new president. I personally couldn’t vote for Obama, for reasons that are here or there now. But as I was driving into work today, I felt the Lord working my thoughts (if that makes sense). I remembered what you wrote "What impact you have on other people’s lives?", and a thought came to mind. Maybe Obama isn’t here to have an impact on our Nation, but we as a Christian Nation will have an impact on him. I think it would be safe to say that he has to be overwhelmed by this election. He has seen many walks of life during his campaign not to have had a seed planted to ask...how do people survive on faith alone? He faces unrealistic expectations from many Americans and other nations. I pray he truly finds a walk with God while in the White House. Just thinking out loud today.
You know, I can totally understand why you may have chosen to vote for McCain. I certainly have no problem with that. Politics is not something that I usually feel lead to talk about much, its one of those things that no matter your view some will agree with you and some want...win win lose lose! Yesterdays vote was not one that I cast easily or without much thought and prayer, but it was one that I have felt the strongest about in a long time. Was it the right choice, I guess we will see. I have a great hope that he will be the man and the president that he has professed to be... Hope, I think that is the one thing that I can say most about Obama, he has inspired a nation and given hope that things can change and things can be better. I will remain hopeful and now that its over, all we have left is prayer and that in itself is a very powerful thing! So, I will be doing just that in hopes that not my will, not Obama's will, but God's will, will be done in our great nation! I have heard Obama say that he is a believer, that he is a Christian...only he and God know the true state of his heart. Whatever the case, I will continue to pray for him as a man and as the new leader of America. In truth, he has already had a great impact on many people, made history and I'm sure the impact he has had and will continue to have will resonate long from now in the lives of many people. I have to say I never thought I would see a black man as president in my lifetime, but once again that just shows that anything is possible in the greatest land in the world, that dreams can become reality, the color of someones skin does not define who they are. I am hopeful and excited to see what will happen in the next 4 years and being in this great democracy gives us all the freedom to change it all again if we don't like it. Continued prayer at this point is key. Unity among the masses, despite our vote is a must if anything good is to happen, that would have been true if it had gone the other way as well! I will hope, support and pray!!
Very well written........but, dont you sleep? This was posted at 11:32 PM! Get some sleep girl?
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