I have this friend, she is a single mom of two, and she just found out she was going to have to move out of the place she has been renting and it came as a complete shock to her. Long story short, the landlord found someone who is willing to pay more and since she did not sign a lease…
But, the real story is not what is happening, but how much heart and faith this girl has. When she told me about what was happening, she finished by saying. “I'll not let this get me down...this too shall pass and something will work out for my benefit!! She did not hesitate to rely on her faith, in her knowing that God has a plan and his plan is better. I said to her, “I applaud your attitude”. I would hope I would be that confident, be that secure in my faith. She then reply by saying, “You know I've always learned, whether through my own experiences or through those of others, that worry causes more woes and solves absolutely nothing! A positive attitude will take you so much farther. At least if you are thinking positive you have the mindset to get things done. If you sit back and worry your mind is clouded with that worry and there is no room for anything else. Besides, why ask God to take care of something if you can't or don't trust him to do so. If you continue to worry about it then it only proves that you don't think God is capable to handle it. And if He isn't capable then I surely am not!! It will work out and I'll be posting a new mailing address soon enough…”
AMAZING! Do I have some awesome friends or what?!
What beautiful faith your friend has. That is truly a gift from God.
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