Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I’ve Been Tagged and so have YOU!!

My blog friend, Heidi has tagged me.

Here are the rules: To be “tagged” implies you were playing along in the beginning, correct? Hmmm…. I guess Blogging breaks a lot of rules D

This is wutcha do…

Link to the person that tagged you, that would be ME, and post the rules on your blog.

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.

Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Good grief this is a lot of work!

1. I have never lived anywhere other than the state of South Carolina

2. I love the beach...could sit on the beach and people watch all day

3. I love to win at everything...not a sore loser, I just like to win

4. My favorite smells are babies, and cookies baking in the oven

5.The first car I got on my own I had for 13 years. It was a 1989 Nissan Sentra/stickshift. Yes, that means I had it until 2002 and it was still running good.

6. I am planning a trip to New York next year, never been - cant wait!

7. Two and a half years ago I had lung surgery - was very scary, but its all good now.

Okay, I dont know any of my blog friends personally, so I hope they will do this and I don't think I have 7, but...Here goes!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What are you thinking about today

Top 5 thinks on my mind right now!

  • I cannot wait for next Wednesday to get here
  • I love the holidays
  • My brother and his girlfriend infuriate me, for reason I can’t even discuss right now.
  • I’ve really taken a liking to photography.
  • One of our radio stations - already playing Christmas music, LOVE IT!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Ok, I know I'm a little late...
Here a few shots of out trip to the Pumpkin Patch and our Halloween Pumpkin Carving party. As you can see we take our Pumpkin carving pretty seriously.

My Chevy-boy and Haley-girl..."I think we found the perfect pumpkin!!"