Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…it’s the hap-happiest season of all”. There are just so many things to love about Christmas- decoration strung up everywhere, cards to send, parties to plan and go to, new songs to sing, eggnog, Christmas movies, and family and friends to see.

Even as I sit here and write this, the house is dimly lit with the twinkling of white lights hung on our tree, Christmas carols are playing in the background, packages are wrapped and everyone is full of Christmas cheer. But still there is an even greater joy; a joy that comes in the form of profound celebration, a celebration that encapsulates what Christmas is really about. It’s a time when we can slow down our busy lives and just enjoy a silent night like tonight and remember the beauty of what's behind it all, the birth of Jesus Christ.

It would be very hard to truly enjoy the decorations, the music, the parties, and all that Christmas encompasses without the deep understanding that it is about so much more than those things, without the understanding that it was and is about the most sacrificial love that you can imagine. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14 " What more could he have given than Himself! While you are out enjoying and celebrating the Christmas holidays, remember it is because of His great love for us we have so much to celebrate, not just at Christmas, but everyday!!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Lonely in the pursuit...

I was thinking about a conversation that I had with a friend the other day. We were talking about the feeling of loneliness you have sometimes when you are in pursuit of the holiness of God and striving to be more like Him. There is a loneliness that comes when you are on that path, but your friends are not. I have found myself feeling that same way, surround by people (friends) yet feeling so alone or really more heart sick for them that they were just not getting it. I remember thinking, “do they not hear the same thing I’m hearing…how can they not be moved by this…do they not know how important this is…etc”. But, then as I got to thinking more about it I wondered how many times that had been me, surrounded by friends that were getting it and I was the one that was just not in a place to hear, see, and take it in. At least not in a way that was making a difference in me or in my life. But by the grace of God, I had friends and some family that stuck in there and continued to pray for me and take the opportunities that they were give to walk through open doors in our conversations. Over time that stuff starts to sink in. The best thing we can do when we find ourselves waiting on our friends to catch up is continue to be there, pray for them and let God lead you, you will find that He will open doors for you to talk about Him and the things that matter. They may not be moved all at once, or even at a pace you would like, but you will be planting seeds and hopefully they will respond over time. Plus, it allows them to see the change that is taking place in you as well. Above all this, the choice is theirs to make, God is there waiting. I found this verse: Did you become involved in the lives of these for repayment from them or out of obedience to me? Do you love these and look for repayment, or do you love them in obedience to me? “…God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 It is in our obedience to Him, not in our expectation of others, that our friends and families will be blessed. Don’t get discouraged by their lagging, continue to move forward, allowing God to fill you up. When you are full of Him, it spills over...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I know its been a while, but things have just been so chaotic lately. You know how the holidays are and I have been working on this Christmas project.... So, my time has been spent doing other great things, just not this great thing. Ha! For the few of you out there that have missed my wise and witty words I promise some new stuff soon! But, just in case I don't make it back on here before Christmas...Merry Christmas and God bless!